My quarantine workout routine.

Does anyone else feel like they’ve been working out more, becasue of boredom? I really hope I’m not the only one who feels this way, becasue…as weird as it feels to admit it – I’m actually enjoying working out over this time. I had no clue that moving your body, for even 30 minutes a day could have such an impact on your health and your mood as a whole!

As someone who doesn’t love going to the gym that’s always been an excuse for me to not workout – and I realized that it’s not a good enough excuse anymore – especially given the circumstances. So I turned to YouTube – one of my friends recommended a program for me to try and, I thought – well, why not? Over the last 6 weeks, after trying out various work out videos, and different programs. From a 30 minute Zumba class with my mom, to a 45 minute high intensity kickboxing class, I love feeling strong, I love feeling like I accomplished something. So I made myself a promise, I’ve committed to moving my body everyday for at least 30 minutes.

So I figured, if I could get up and move my body everyday, anyone can! I want you to feel good, to continue to build strength – even if you really don’t want to – which quite honestly is still me somedays.

Below is a day-by-day breakdown of what I do in a week, a small program that I built for for myself that is challenging but not far beyond what I am capable of.



Most of my Sundays during quarantine have been spent on Zoom calls with family around the world – so I always try and get up a little earlier to get a workout in! This particular workout works every inch of your body, it BURNS. I always use weights when I do this workout, but they are not essential. I love this girl, you’ll notice a lot of the videos in my week are done by her. After trying out, SO MANY different videos, I find that she explains the exercises the best – especially for beginners and she doesn’t ever jump from exercise to exercise.


For some reason, even if I workout on a Sunday, come Monday every cell in my body is against me doing anything – so most Monday’s I try and take it a little easier. I usually do one of the two videos below. They are both low impact, I normally make my mom join in !


I have this old stationary bike in the basement, and I figured why not try to do a YouTube spinning class. Guys, spinning is HARD, I honestly didn’t think my legs were that out of shape till I couldn’t make it through the video the first time I tried. Since then it’s been a lot easier to complete the workout and to do the more advance modifications. I will include that video below, in case anyone else has a stationary bike that’s been collecting dust! Since the spinning video is around 20 minutes in length, I normally finish it off with a quick 10 minute ab work out.


Wednesday is like Monday’s twin sister – another day I struggle to get off my couch and move my butt. I normally try to do at least an ab workout, but this past Wednesday I found a video that made me excited to move my body! I for one, will never turn down a dance party – so when I saw this It was exciting knowing that I could dance it out for 20 minutes and still feel like I did a full body workout!


I normally do a repeat of what I do on Tuesday on Thursdays. Which means – another day of spinning and abs. When I do change it up, or don’t feel like doing more cardio, these are the videos that I use.


I don’t know about anyone else but by the time Friday rolls around I am tired from the week. My body needs a break of some sorts. No, it’s not my off day, but it is the day that I try and focus more on stretching my body, caring for it in a different way. This video has done way more for me than just make me sweat a little and stretch out my body – I always finish this workout feeling more grounded, at ease and more at peace.


Saturday’s have been really quiet for me – most of my day is spent reading or catching up with TV shows. So the honest reason why this is the workout that I choose to do is becasue of boredom and wanting to kill time feeling more productive. This is a high intensity full body work out, I take my time, I pace myself, as it was – and still is – incredibly daunting to me! When you finish her workout – you feel GOOD! So power through and PACE YOURSELF.

I hope this helps anyone out there who is struggling finding that motivation to move your body and to workout. I know that it’s hard, it’s a conscious choice every single day, but your body is worth that, your health is worth that! Choose it for your future self, and ignore the urges to continue binge watching a show.

I believe in you ! You can do it, you have all the tools you need.

16 thoughts on “My quarantine workout routine.

  1. Omg this is so funny, legit this morning I decided to start my exercise routine again at home (since haven’t been able to go to the gym for months) and then this appeared like a sign!! 😀 Great post Xandria! Together we can ignore the call of Netflix and find the willpower to work out!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. HAHA !! I love that I’m your sign. YES – ignore that temptation for at least 30 mins !!! I didn’t think at home workouts would be as effective as they are. I’m excited for you !!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Some great looking workouts here! I too am working out so much more than I used to, again mostly to stave off boredom! I’m doing a mix of HIIT and running mostly, and trying to do something every weekday, with just walks at the weekend. The HIIT stuff I’ve done includes core and abs, and it’s honestly amazing how much of a difference it has made to my running! I’m able to keep going so much further (and a faster!) than I used to! So nice that something good is coming out of this period, and I’m so pleased to read you’re enjoying getting into exercise as much as I am 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice looking workouts! And I agree, working out in the morning really boost my mood throughout the day. I’ve been doing Chloe Ting’s Add workout (along with a lot of her other videos) everyday ever since november and I’ve loved the results. I haven’t tried any other the other workout channels though, are they fun?

    -Liberty ❤


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